Student feedback

2016 responses to 2015 teaching year – Archives management, Knowledge management, Conservation and preservation

Not sure if you were contacted as a referee, but just letting you know that I am now happily ensconced (probationary period willing) at Deakin University archives in the new position of Collections Coordinator. There’s a well-resourced three-year IM project to get everything up to scratch, and some fascinating projects in the wind, but in the meantime the hard yards will involve a massive disposal and appraisal plan to get all the ducks in a row. So it’s sleeves up and exciting times ahead.

This is just a quick note to thank you for your guidance last year, and your important support as a referee. I must say that I didn’t expect the transition from retraining to full time fixed term employment would be so smooth (touch wood).


Thanks to the last unit I did with you I am able to completely understand writing grants and at present I am doing the next step once a grant has been accepted, spending the money and recording the reasons why I did not do exactly what we asked for and then planning how I will get the data for the performance report. I just want you to know I am grateful for what you taught and guided us to learn… I must admit it was an extremely difficult assignment but now on the other side I seem to get it and what is really important I understand the theory and logic behind it. I am needing to use all of my assessments to get this project happening. Everything that I had time to do as an assignment is needed to be done in the next few months of my job… I can not express how much this degree has done for my confidence when doing my job.


  • Rich and invaluable teaching from Kathryn Greenhill and Lise Summers during Study Period 1, 2016 helped an enormous amount in preparing me for this practicum. I was able to use and apply the content learned and assignments undertaken appropriately.